This received view of the orthodox theology of pantheism was a long time in the making. We have now come to call the progressive view of natural-theology of pantheism the name of natural-theism conceived under the development of orthodox-pantheism.
Pantheism is the belief in the metaphysical possibility of the fundamental nature of reality, and the spiritual nature of pantheistic belief is the religious reverence for worldly things that give us pleasure.
Pantheism belief has been defined as: “God is everything and everything is God …the world is either identical with God or in some way a self-expression of his nature” (Owen 1971: 74).
Orthodox-pantheism believes that Nature created God in Her own self-expression, and God fashioned all other creations of Nature in His own self-expression; which posits that all other creations of Nature fashioned by God express themselves in identical to Nature and not in Her direct self-expression as God has been.
The view of Pantheism takes “everything that exists constitutes a “unity” and this all-inclusive unity is in some sense divine” (MacIntyre 1967: 34). “‘Pantheism’ … signifies the belief that every existing entity is, only one Being; and that all other forms of reality are either modes (or appearances) of it or identical with it.” Owen (1971: 65).
The view of orthodox-pantheism posits that everything that exists is composed of super-condensed energy substance in Nature. That Nature puts everything in existence in each container of this energy. Nature is contained in the Alpha-Super-condensed energy of electrons and held the Universe together; God is contained in the Neutral-Super-condensed energy charge and occupy space; planetary gravity is contained in Negative-Super-condensed energy charge and orbits within solar-systems; all life-forms including humans are contained in the Positive-Super-condensed energy charge and provides evidence for the warmer temperature of our self-insulative organs. Therefore, everything that exists constitutes a “unity” as a class of Super-condensed energy. And all existing entity of the super-condensed energy is only one being – each is a self-expression of God-energy and identical to Nature.
Orthodox-pantheism is an organised religion, and its religious doctrine is derived from the scientific approach to Nature and God. Orthodox-pantheism differs from classical-theism and staked its claim to be an exact natural-theism religion. The monist God of orthodox-pantheism is represented in gravity and an impersonal-God.
The book: Where God Lies! : Discovery of a Pantheist; is revivalist preaching of the theology of pantheism. It is based on the exposition of the scientific claim of orthodox-pantheism as the religion of the 21st-century current generation. The metaphysical possibilities in technological advances, the fundamental nature of our reality in scientific progress, and the spiritual nature of our current 21st-century generation in the knowledge-seeking reverence to social media that gives us pleasure; is the inexorably pantheistic culture in the naturalist religious way of life.
This book is a must-read for every pantheist! It is available on Amazon. It is about the religious movement of orthodox-pantheism, including the spiritual nature of humans that is grounded on scientific evidence. This book gives you an introductory knowledge of the Panagogue. Now we have an important job and journey to continue in preserving our spiritual-divinity with this natural-world and yield to the inspirational scriptures from the Panagogue to live for life pleasure and contribute to the Idea of the Good that benefits our human-race everywhere. Remember, our true God is an impersonal-God, and we are all governed by the laws-of-Nature with fatalistic consequences for each of our actions.